Emotional Meaning of Eyelid Positions on a One-Eyed 2D Avatar

By abstracting the core features in human faces for the emotions described by Ekman, et al., a single-eyed 2D avatar was designed that only moves the upper and lower eyelids.

Effects of dimple structure on soccer ball aerodynamics

In the present study, the pattern of the dimple structure of a soccer balls are investigated using wind tunnel experiments to determine its impact on the aerodynamic characteristics of the ball.

Introducing IOmi - A Female Robot Hostess for Guidance in a University Environment

IOmi is a life-sized female humanoid hostess robot intended for serving as guidance in indoor public spaces.

Design and Implementation of a Mechatronic SmartBed for Improved Rehabilitation

The details of the design and development process of the SmartBed, with special focus on the interactive user interface is presented.

GIT: A Peruvian Approach to Out-of-the-Box Robotics

GIT is a Peruvian technological innovation group dedicated to research and development of new technologies.

Design of a Low Cost Non-Actuated Support Arm

The present study shows the concept of a novel design of a non-actuated support arm for use as third arm.

Low Cost Flexible Robot Manipulator for Pick and Place Tasks

The present study reports a novel concept for flexible robot manipulators focusing in low cost construction.

IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing Team PUCP - Team Description Paper

This paper details the hardware and software used by team PUCP to develop a Humanoid Robot capable of running in a straight line.

IREP: an Interactive Robotics Education Program for Undergraduate Studets

IREP is an Interactive Robotics Education Program that aims to integrate basic concepts of Mechatronics, Electronics, and Computer Science for undergraduate engineering students in Peru

Data Aquisition Module Study (DAMS) at MDRS

The Data Acquisition Module Study (DAMS) is a research project developed by members of Crew 126 – Team Peru at The Mars Society's Mars Desert Research Station.